Conventions used in this document

9. Conventions used in this document

The following typographic and usage conventions occur in this text:

Table 1. Typographic and usage conventions

Text typeMeaning
"Quoted text"Quotes from people, quoted computer output.
terminal view
Literal computer input and output captured from the terminal, usually rendered with a light grey background.
commandName of a command that can be entered on the command line.
VARIABLEName of a variable or pointer to content of a variable, as in $VARNAME.
optionOption to a command, as in "the -a option to the ls command".
argumentArgument to a command, as in "read man ls".

command options arguments

Command synopsis or general usage, on a separated line.
filenameName of a file or directory, for example "Change to the /usr/bin directory."
KeyKeys to hit on the keyboard, such as "type Q to quit".
ButtonGraphical button to click, like the OK button.
Menu->ChoiceChoice to select from a graphical menu, for instance: "Select Help->About Mozilla in your browser."
TerminologyImportant term or concept: "The Linux kernel is the heart of the system."
The backslash in a terminal view or command synopsis indicates an unfinished line. In other words, if you see a long command that is cut into multiple lines, \ means "Don't press Enter yet!"
See Chapter 1link to related subject within this guide.
The authorClickable link to an external web resource.

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